General Information

Full Name Amar Ali-bey
Location Montréal, Canada
Languages English, Français


  • 2017 - 2023
    Ph.D. in Computer Vision and Machine Learning
    Laval University, Québec, Canada
    • Thesis title - Deep Representation Learning for Visual Place Recognition
    • Topics of Research
      • Image Retrieval
      • Contrastive Learning
      • Large Datasets Collection
  • 2015 - 2017
    Laval University, Québec, Canada
    • Explored various topics in AI, then transitioned to a Ph.D. program
    • Topics
      • Mobile Robotics
      • Machine Learning
      • Combinatorial Optimization
  • 2013 - 2014
    Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC), France
    • Vehicle Routing Problem
    • Combinatorial Optimization
    • Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithms
  • 2009 - 2014
    Bachelor in Software Engineering (with honors)
    National Higher School of Computer Science (ESI), Algiers, Algeria
    • Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures.
    • OS and Computer Architecture.
    • Software Architecture.


  • 2018 - 2024
    Deep Learning Consultant
    • Short/Medium term interventions with high impact, primarily focused on enhancing the deep learning pipeline.
      • Football players Re-Identification
      • Traffic cone detection
      • Semantic segmentation for urban scenes
      • Helmet detection for safety in work sites
      • Enhanced the deep learning pipeline for object tracking and counting in videos
  • 2017 - 2023
    Graduate Teaching Assistant
    Laval University, Québec, Canada
    • Advanced Techniques In Artificial Intelligence (IFT-4102/7025)
      • Created project assignments
      • Exams correction
      • Consultant for technical questions
    • Deep Learning (GLO-4030/7030)
      • Designed an InClass competition for the course
      • Consultant for technical questions
    • Practical Machine Learning (GLO-7050)
      • Taught the CNN part of the course
      • Administered two Kaggle InClass competitions
    • Introduction to Mobile Robotics (GLO-4001/7021)
      • Taught bi-weekly laboratory
      • Exams correction.
    • Exam and Homework correction.
      • Advanced Programming In C ++ (GIF-1003)
      • Introduction to Programming (IFT-1004)
      • Mathematics for Computer Science (MAT-1919)
  • 2018
    The Autonomous Vehicle of Laval University (VAUL)
    • Developed cone detectors using OpenCV, to accelerate cone annotation in circuit videos
    • Trained YOLO (You Only Look Once) models capable of real-time cone detection in video streams

Open Source Projects

  • 2024 - now
    • OpenVPRLab is a comprehensive open-source framework for Visual Place Recognition (VPR). Designed to facilitate the training and iterative development of deep models for VPR, it simplifies the process for researchers and developers to achieve replicable state-of-the-art performance.
  • 2022 - 2023
    • A large-scale dataset for training deep visual place recognition models.

Academic Interests

  • Computer Vision and Machine Learning
    • Representation Learning
    • Contrastive Learning
    • Image Geo-Localization
    • Image Retrieval
    • Person Re-Identification
    • Face Recognition
    • Semantic Segmentation
    • Object Detection
    • NLP

Technical Skills

  • Expert Level: Python, PyTorch, Lightning AI, FAISS, OpenCV.
  • Good Level: C, C++.
  • Intermediate Level: Latex, Linux, SQL, HTML, CSS, PHP, Java.

Other Interests

  • Skiing, Cycling, Tennis, Soccer.